Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.


Cross-Cultural Awareness, Communication, and Collaboration

We increasingly work with people from different cultures, both within our own organisation and beyond. Dealing with different cultures is the challenge we face more and more.

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Dealing with different cultures leads to enrichment but can sometimes also involve miscommunication. Preventing this and working together effectively with people with different cultural backgrounds is the point of focus of this training.

What will you get out of this training?

A different culture also means different perceptions, different (power)relationships, different communication. In the training Cross-cultural awareness and communication you will learn to recognize the differences between cultures. Also, you will learn to respond successfully to the differences in behaviour and align your communication with your conversation partner. You maintain the connection and reach your goals in a way that is both good for you and the other person.


During the training, amongst others the following topics will be discussed:

  • What is culture?
  • What are the most important cultural differences between you and the people you are dealing with (amongst others based upon the Lewis Model – Dimensions of Behaviour and the dimensions of Geert Hofstede)?
  • What are the most important similarities concerning the cultures you are dealing with?
  • How to build bridges between cultural differences?
  • How to determine how to communicate to get and to keep the connection?
  • How to get clarity on what the other really means, behind the words that are used?
  • How to take your place within the group so you can share your knowledge and expertise and collect that of others?
  • How to give feedback, taking into consideration the differences?
  • How to make agreements/take decisions?
  • What are other cross-cultural do’s and don’ts related specifically to your work environment?

Interested in knowing more about these topics or are there topics that are missing according to you? Feel free to contact us for more information and dedicated advice.

This is a blended training. Knowledge and insights of the topics will be made available to you before, during and after the training via the digital learning environment of Feedback Training & Consulting.

Since knowledge and insights are gained before the training and in between the training days, there will be more time during the training days to make the translation to your own, practical situation.
This will lead to an even better (learning) result.


You will act with more confidence and success on the international market and will strengthen the collaboration with partners from other cultures, thanks to these tools:

  • prior to the training you will complete a web-based cultural analysis, providing you with insights in your own way of collaborating with other cultures
  • the practical situations are tailor made to your daily work environment
  • you will receive a card with communication tips per cultural dimension

The price for the two-day open enrollment training Cross-cultural awareness and communication is € 1.265,-. This is excluding VAT, including intake via telephone, cultural analysis, costs of material and catering.

This training can also be provided in a company, tailor-made to the specific challenges you deal with within the international playfield. Feedback is more than happy to send you a proposal.

The dates are determined in mutual agreement.

We also offer our courses in Dutch, German, French or Spanish. Please contact us for more information.